The Kimberley Community Action Fund (KCAF) program is a WA Government $2 million (over two years) grant program supporting local solutions to reduce crime in the Kimberley Region.
Delivered by the Kimberley Development Commission, up to $100,000 is available for individual projects that:
Applications for Round 2 are now closed.
The following documents will assist with your application.
For more information regarding the KCAF program, please contact the commission, [email protected] or 9148 2100.
Note: Applicants are encouraged to seek advice from KDC on their project proposal before submitting an application.
Ministerial announcements:
Information on previous funding rounds
Round 2: Opened 3 July 2023 and closed 31 August 2023. The KCAF Grants attracted 24 applications seeking $1,405,936 in funding. The following projects were successful:
Organisation | Project | Description | Funding |
Wunan Foundation | LifeChanger | To deliver workshops in mentorship, life skills, and personal growth with youth at-risk alongside mentors. | $100,000 |
Yawoorroong Miriuwung Gajerrong Yirrgeb Noong Dawang Aboriginal (MG) Corporation | MG Corporation Youth Patrol Project | To provide a Youth Night Patrol service 3 nights a week in Kununurra | $100,000 |
Shire of Broome | A Sporting Chance | To enable youth from remote communities to participate in existing diversionary activities in Broome. | $93,600 |
The Skill Engineer Ltd | Roots and Brew Studios | To support vocational learning for at-risk young people in horticulture, hair styling, music creation, metal sculpturing and hospitality. | $99,145 |
Wirrimanu Aboriginal Corporation | Tjiitjuku Ngurra | To improve safety, security, and amenity at the Balgo Youth Centre through capital upgrades and minor equipment purchases. | $93,470 |
Marra Worra Worra Aboriginal Corporation | FX Safe Place | To establish a ‘safe place’ for street present youth in Fitzroy in circumstances where its not safe for youth to return home | $87,603 |
Waringarri Arts Aboriginal Corporation | Family & Community Empowerment & Well-being Project | To deliver cultural activities for children and their families to empower and build resilience. | $95,736 |
Shire of Halls Creek | Halls Creek CCTV Safety Project | To upgrade CCTV infrastructure in Halls Creek township | $100,000 |
Kununurra Neighbourhood House | Neighbourhood Centre Security Project | To upgrade CCTV and security alarm infrastructure. | 40,239 |
Wyndham Youth Aboriginal Corporation | Wyndham Farm and Horse Skills Development for disengaged Local Youth. | To establish an agricultural property and short-term horse skills program for at-risk youth | $95,651 |
Fair Game Australia Ltd | Fit and Healthy in the Kimberley with Fair Game | To deliver diversionary sport and recreation activities, and health education, alongside mentorship of Kimberley youth workers | $100,000 |
Round 1: Opened 31 May 2022 and closed 30 June 2022. The KCAF Grants attracted 24 applications seeking $1,859,823 in funding. The following projects were successful:
Organisation | Project | Description | Funding |
Shire of Broome | A Sporting Chance | A youth diversionary program offering a safe environment for young people to engage in popular sports, job training and professional development workshops will be provided. Local and State sporting identities will hold skills clinics and police participation will enable the building of positive relationships with participants. | $86,034 |
Djarindjin Aboriginal Corp | Development of Family Empowerment Program | The program focuses on decreasing crime and increasing community engagement by providing youth sports programs, increased engagement with neighbouring communities, and improved youth centre facilities. A whole of community approach will be implemented. | $78,000 |
Nyamba Buru Yawuru Ltd | Mayingan Manja (plenty food) for Elders | A culturally informed on-country program will be delivered to at-risk and justice system involved youth. Youth will be equipped with the skills, tools and knowledge to ensure that ‘right-way’ customary hunting practices are practiced and passed onto the next generation and all mayi (bush foods) will be given back to community elders. | $100,000 |
Wunan Foundation Inc | Swimming the River on Horseback (SRH) | The project aims to reduce crime by building the capacity of agencies in Kununurra with the focus on fostering trusting relationships between frontline support workers and at-risk youth. Key components include an intensive workshop, trust building, coaching, family and community engagement, and building support structures around each participating young person at-risk to sustain positive change. | $100,000 |
Shire of Wyndham East Kimberly | Kununurra Disruptive and Protective Hardcover installations | Barriers will be installed in strategic locations to enable police officers to deploy mitigation strategies safely in stolen vehicle events and potentially prevent the vehicles entering the township. The project is designed in conjunction with Kununurra police and will also be an attempt to reverse reputation risk to the community as a result of stolen vehicles. | $49,500 |
Shire of Wyndham East Kimberly | Wyndham Oval Changerooms | The project is to construct adequate change rooms at Clarrie Cassidy Oval (Wyndham Oval) to allow for a safe space for participants, particularly females, to change enabling them to engage in diversionary activities and better cater for community sport for both men and women. | $100,000 |
Shire of Wyndham East Kimberly | Kununurra CCTV Upgrade | The project will improve the CCTV system in Kununrra and has been developed in partnership with Kununurra Police to best support policing and community crime prevention measures. The project will enhance the ability to identify persons and number plates, enable longer retention of images for use by police and the justice system, and provide analysis of criminal behaviour. | $26,530 |
Broome Lotteries House Inc | Centre Security Project | The project is to upgrade the existing security system for this busy hub for community groups and Not for profit tenants. These upgrades will bring back a sense of safety and security by providing the hub with CCTV coverage which will assist local police with increased CCTV angles. | $31,454 |
Purnululu Aboriginal Corporation | School Security and Community Safety | The project is to install an intruder alarm system including motion sensors at the school after breakins and the theft of a motor vehicle. The local community fully supports this project. | $11,333 |
Fair Game Australia Ltd | Fit and Healthy in the Kimberley with Fair Game | The project encompasses afterschool programs in Broome and Kununurra and the continuation of the proven model of week-long outreach trips to remote communities during the school holidays. Feedback from the WA Police reports success in reducing involvement in criminal behaviour. | $82,095 |
The Kimberley boasts many progressive, vibrant and promising industries with large potential for future growth.
Ensuring the transparency and accountability for the Kimberley Development Commission.
The Kimberley is a complex landscape that represents one sixth of Western Australia’s land mass; equivalent to twice the size of Victoria.
Our Local Content Advisor will help develop, promote and maximise opportunities in the regions.
Stay informed with all of the latest news, events, grants and projects from the Kimberley Development Commission. Don’t hesitate to call us with any queries or comments you may have.