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The Kimberley Development Commission Board is established under the Regional Development Commissions Act 1993 (WA) and comprises the following membership:

  • 2 members representing the regional community;
  • 2 members representing Local Government;
  • 2 members appointed at the Minister’s discretion;
  • Chief Executive.

The Board is appointed by and responsible to the Minister for Regional Development; Disability Services; Fisheries; Seniors and Ageing; Volunteering, the HON Don Punch BPsych BSocwk MBA MLA

The Board is an accountable authority and advises the Minister on matters affecting the development of the region and sets the primary directions for the Commission.

Appointments to the Board are made for terms of up to three years following an appointment process in accordance with the Regional Development Commissions Act 1993 (WA).

Board Members

The Honourable Tom Stephens OAM JP BA GAICD


While serving as a regional member of the State Parliament from 1982-2013, Tom Stephens held various Ministerial portfolios, including Regional Development (2001- 2003), and has maintained an active involvement in regional communities across Western Australia, including as an Independent Director with a number of Indigenous Corporations. Tom is currently serving on boards and committees in both the not-for-profit and government sector, in roles which include the WA Regional Development Trust, Chair of the WA Geographic Names Committee, Pilbara Ports, Trustee with MercyCare WA, and Board Member of Dyslexia-SPELD Foundation.

Cr Desiree Male


Cr Male and her family are long term residents of Broome where she is the Director and Proprietor of three separate businesses. Further to serving as a Councillor, Shire of Broome since 2009, Desiree was appointed to the position of Deputy President Shire of Broome in 2018. then later appointed as shire president March 2023, With qualifications including a Bachelor of Business (Accounting & Information Systems) and Diploma of Financial Services (RG 146), Desiree has completed CPA and CFP programs, holds an Australian Taxation Licence and has substantial experience in both the public practice and commercial environments. She has a diverse range of skills from taxation specialisation to staff and client management and her business focus is on providing better advice for clients on tax, and business advice. In her various roles, Cr Male hopes to assist Kimberley businesses reach their full potential and is committed to working with the Kimberley Community to shape the future of the region.

Cr David Menzel


Cr Menzel moved to the Kimberley from western Victoria in 1992 with his family. He is the current President, Shire of Wyndham East Kimberley and an established Grower in the Ord River Irrigation Area. With a background in farming in Victoria (mixed farming and wool) and the Kimberley (irrigated agriculture) and pastoral industry in the Pilbara, Cr Menzel has both farming and leadership qualifications and considerable leadership experience gained through a range of appointments. These include Managing Director, Barradale Farm since 1996; Board Member, Ord River District Co-operative since 2014; Board Member, Cambridge Gulf Limited since 2010; Chairman Ord River Irrigation Co-operative since 2010; and Councillor and President, Shire of Wyndham East Kimberley since 2017. Former appointments held include member of the Prime Minister’s Northern Australia Advisory Board (2014) and member the Ord East Kimberley Expansion Project (2008-2013) Community Reference Group. In terms of his contribution to the Commission’s Board and regional development of the Kimberley, as a progressive thinker Cr Menzel is especially interested in using his experience to assist with the socioeconomic development of the region. This, with the aim of maximising positive outcomes and enabling a stronger level of self-determination for the Community

Ms Kira Fong OAM


Ms Fong is currently a Management, Business and Leadership Lecturer at NR TAFE, after two decades in the role of Chief Operations Officer at Goolarri Media Enterprises, Broome. With an overarching interest in leadership and advancing young people, Ms Fong has served as Secretary, Country Arts WA (2011-2014), Chairperson Cable Beach Primary School (2015-2019), Chairperson Broome Cluster of Independent Public Schools (2018- 2019), Vice President Broome Sports Association (2019 to present) and has a history of achievements in promoting Aboriginal wellbeing. Ms Fong has a background in events management and leadership development with qualifications in management and accredited training. She owned and operated Niche Events between 1997 and 2003. Building on her early experience Ms Fong founded the high-profile Kimberley Girl program in 2004 designed to build confidence and capacity in young Aboriginal women. As the program expanded throughout regional Western Australia, as the Young Indigenous Women’s Pathways Project, Ms Fong continued to maintain a strong involvement, driving the program and its associated activities. In 2020, Ms Fong was awarded with an Order of Australia Medal for her work with Indigenous youth in the Kimberley Region and was inducted into the WA Women’s Hall of fame.

Ms Nini Mills


Ninielia Mills is a Yawuru/Bunuba woman from Broome who is strongly connected to her country and community. She is a proud Aboriginal woman, mother, leader, author, public speaker, life coach and mentor. Ninielia’s professional career has focused on advocating for and supporting the rights and interests of Indigenous people. She has over 10 years’ experience in senior management and leadership roles within government agencies and community organisations that are focused on leading strategic direction, policy reform, program design and service delivery within the Indigenous Affairs sector. She is the CEO of Nyamba Buru Yawuru.

Mr Ben Burton


Mr Ben Burton has dedicated his professional life to furthering Aboriginal employment across a wide range of government, business and community roles. His diverse career has included running employment services programs, advising a major mining company on Aboriginal recruitment and employment strategies, and leading Aboriginal community organisations. Since 2010 he has been based in Derby, where he currently is the Chief Executive Officer for Emama Nguda Aboriginal Corporation. In that role, he is responsible for a broad portfolio of enterprise development, housing and community services spanning seven major Aboriginal community groups in the Derby / Gibb River Road areas.

Mr Chuck Berger

Member, Ex Officio

Chuck Berger was appointed CEO of the Kimberley Development Commission in December 2021. With a diverse background in the private and not-for-profit sectors, Chuck brings to the KDC a strong interest and experience in new industry development, integrated human service delivery, and strengthening the capacity and resilience of Aboriginal communities.

Raised in Kansas (USA), he studied law at Yale Law School and practiced corporate law in New York and Brussels, before migrating to Australia in 2003. Since then, he has served as Director of Strategic Ideas at the Australian Conservation Foundation, CEO of Outdoors Victoria, and Manager of Kimberley Community Legal Services. Chuck has also held appointments including Chair of Community Legal WA (2018-2021), Board member and later Co-Chair of East Kimberley College (2018-21), Board member of the Australian Consumers Association (2009-2012), and Board member of Community Legal Centres Australia (2020-21).

Useful Links

Invest In the Kimberley

The Kimberley boasts many progressive, vibrant and promising industries with large potential for future growth.

Annual Report

Ensuring the transparency and accountability for the Kimberley Development Commission.

Our Region

The Kimberley is a complex landscape that represents one sixth of Western Australia’s land mass; equivalent to twice the size of Victoria.

Local Content

Our Local Content Advisor will help develop, promote and maximise opportunities in the regions.


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