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Strategic Plan

People, Place and Prosperity

The Commission has an objective to help align a vision that will guide the future. We hope that we will be influential in embedding the concept of People, Place and Prosperity throughout the Region.

Importantly, the Commission has a clear sense of purpose to guide its work and is progressively repositioning itself to be influential in the key regional processes that will shape the development of the future Kimberley. To meet these objectives the Commission plans to lead development with the Region’s first Investment Blueprint, and use its full range of effort to focus its activities on the catalytic regional priorities that will help Kimberley people deliver against their collective hopes and dreams.


The Commission has a strong and unified Vision

The Kimberley aspires to a long-term future transformed into one of the world’s most successful and sustainable regions. The hallmarks of success will be:

People: a well-housed, highly educated and healthy people enjoying high amenity in sustainable communities

Place: a place with outstanding infrastructure, services and governance set within a well-conserved and iconic natural environment

Prosperity: shared prosperity arising from the success of the region’s main drivers of economic opportunity; agriculture; range land Industries, tourism, minerals & energy.


The Commission has four strategic priorities, striving towards positive economic outcomes for our region.

1 – Establish the conditions for economic success

The Kimberley region has a number of advantages that support the strength of its economy, including abundant natural resources and arable land, a diverse resident workforce, a positive national and international profile, diverse Aboriginal peoples and a geographic position close to the thriving South-East Asia markets.

However, the region is not without its limitations. The Kimberley remains a remote region, with sparse settlement patterns, requiring greater transport and digital infrastructure investment than more densely populated regions. Despite abundant land, the region suffers from a lack of housing and critical services to support growing the residential workforce.

2 – Support the development of prosperous and diverse industries

The Kimberley is fortunate to have a diversified economic base, resulting in a resilient economy.

Key industries include mining, agriculture, pastoralism, tourism, and human services. Substantial diversity exists within each of these dynamic sectors, as well as synergies among them. Cotton seed production in the East Kimberley will be an important local feed supplement for the pastoral industry. Pastoral stations, in turn, are supporting tourism through the development of on-station experiences. And working holiday-makers provide seasonal labour for the agriculture, tourism, and hospitality industries. These synergies provide efficient opportunities for diversification.

3 – Ensure our people and communities have a good quality of life

In the Kimberley, the idea of quality of life is largely subjective. It can include the connection and strength from living on one’s ancestors’ Country, the wonder of a pristine star-filled sky, the support of living in a tight-knit community, and even the freedom from sitting in traffic and enduring long commutes.

It also includes more tangible qualities, areas that are among the many challenges in the region. Cost of living, access to digital and physical connectivity, quality of education and health care, youth engagement and wellbeing, access to childcare and aged care, access to affordable and suitable housing, and the availability of cultural and outdoor recreation amenities. These issues are particularly acute in remote communities and stations.

Quality of life is at the heart of regional development. Making our region a good place to live is critical for the wellbeing of residents, and underpins labour market and community resilience.

4 – Strive for organisational excellence

The KDC is the lead agency for Kimberley-specific regional development. To be successful in this role, the KDC must maintain a committed and highly capable team, supported by quality systems and resources that enable our plans and aspirations to translate into effective action.

We build and maintain trust among our partners in the Kimberley and cultivate our reputation for reliable and effective advice and collaboration across the Regional Development Portfolio and government as a whole.

The Commission is committed to maintaining the highest standards as an employer of choice. We recognise the need for substantial improvement in our core business platforms to ensure we can collect and analyse data, communicate across multiple channels to key stakeholders and manage resources and projects effectively and efficiently. To achieve this, the Commission will invest in a modern suite of analytical and communication platforms over the course of this plan, to complement ongoing investments in our people and relationships.


Read our Strategic Plan 2024-2026 here or alternatively visit our Publications section.


For the purposes of achieving its statutory objectives as per the Regional Development Commissions Act 1993 (WA), the Kimberley Development Commission (KDC) functions are to:

  • Promote the region;
  • Facilitate coordination between relevant statutory bodies and State Government agencies;
  • Cooperate with representatives of industry and commerce, employer and employee organisations, education and training institutions and other sections of the community within the region;
  • Identify the opportunities for investment in the region and encourage that investment;
  • Identify the infrastructure needs of the region, and encourage the provision of that infrastructure in the region;
  • Cooperate with: Departments of the Public Service of the State and the Commonwealth, and other agencies, instrumentalities and statutory bodies of the State and the Commonwealth; and Local government authorities, in order to promote equitable delivery of services within the region.

Useful Links

Invest In the Kimberley

The Kimberley boasts many progressive, vibrant and promising industries with large potential for future growth.

Annual Report

Ensuring the transparency and accountability for the Kimberley Development Commission.

Our Region

The Kimberley is a complex landscape that represents one sixth of Western Australia’s land mass; equivalent to twice the size of Victoria.

Local Content

Our Local Content Advisor will help develop, promote and maximise opportunities in the regions.


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