The Commission has an objective to help align a vision that will guide the future. We hope that we will be influential in embedding the concept of People, Place and Prosperity throughout the Region.
Importantly, the Commission has a clear sense of purpose to guide its work and is progressively repositioning itself to be influential in the key regional processes that will shape the development of the future Kimberley. To meet these objectives the Commission plans to lead development with the Region’s first Investment Blueprint, and use its full range of effort to focus its activities on the catalytic regional priorities that will help Kimberley people deliver against their collective hopes and dreams.
The Commission has a strong and unified Vision
The Kimberley aspires to a long-term future transformed into one of the world’s most successful and sustainable regions. The hallmarks of success will be:
People: a well-housed, highly educated and healthy people enjoying high amenity in sustainable communities
Place: a place with outstanding infrastructure, services and governance set within a well-conserved and iconic natural environment
Prosperity: shared prosperity arising from the success of the region’s main drivers of economic opportunity; agriculture; range land Industries, tourism, minerals & energy.
The Commission has five strategic themes, which align with the strategic themes for Regional Development in Western Australia.
1 Industry Diversification
The Kimberley has unique opportunities presented by its comparative and competitive advantages that hold the key to diversification of its economic base. Many of the region’s existing industries already utilise some aspects of these advantages in their business models but significant further opportunities exist. The nature of these opportunities generally favours investment in Small-to-Medium Enterprises (SMEs) that both create and sustain strong local employment profiles and support the operations of corporate dominated industry such as the resources and energy sector.
2 Resources and Energy sector support and development
The resources sector has been, is and can be a significant employer in the Kimberley. Larger projects would usually swamp the regional labour and supply markets, minimising local jobs, content and benefit. Indications are that many Kimberley projects are modest in size but of relatively long life. Production workforces are often hundreds rather than thousands and resource lifespans are commonly calculated to be multiple decades. This opens up opportunities for high, and over time, increasing levels of local employment, content and benefit.
3 Lift and Normalise Aboriginal Economic Development
Aboriginal people must be provided with time and opportunities to develop life and professional skills, many of which are underdeveloped on an intergenerational basis. The specific opportunities that exist in discrete industries such as tourism, agriculture, and maintenance and research on the Conservation estate must be leveraged into a pipeline of employment opportunities that allow Aboriginal people to enter the workforce at a range of points and then progress to other industries and larger opportunities including better paid work in higher demand and even business ownership or entrepreneurial opportunities.
4 Normalise regional living standards
The unique cross-cultural context of the Kimberley and its social dynamics are a key component of the “liveability” of the region. Critical to the sustainability of our communities is the availability and delivery of key services through a range of providers. Access to high quality education, training and health services, delivered through modern infrastructure and innovative technologies and achieving user experiences on par with metro areas is critical to the well-being attraction and retention of Kimberley residents.
5 RED Grants objectives
Sustainable regional economic development requires innovative solutions that maximise the outcomes from scarce resources. The RED Grants program supports individual projects that promote sustainable jobs, partnerships, productivity, skills and capability, as well as stimulate new investment and industry diversification. RED Grants support initiatives driven by regional organisations that will create real economic impact and employment opportunities.
For a full copy of our Strategic Plan, please refer to link Strategic Plan 2019-2021 or alternatively visit our Publication section.
For the purposes of achieving its statutory objectives as per the Regional Development Commissions Act 1993 (WA), the Kimberley Development Commission (KDC) functions are to:
The Kimberley boasts many progressive, vibrant and promising industries with large potential for future growth.
Ensuring the transparency and accountability for the Kimberley Development Commission.
The Kimberley is a complex landscape that represents one sixth of Western Australia’s land mass; equivalent to twice the size of Victoria.
Our Local Content Advisor will help develop, promote and maximise opportunities in the regions.
Stay informed with all of the latest news, events, grants and projects from the Kimberley Development Commission. Don’t hesitate to call us with any queries or comments you may have.