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Childcare in the Kimberley

Kimberley Development Commission Sector Profile #1 – Childcare in the Kimberley

Childcare in the Kimberley – 2024 update

As part of the Commission’s continued advocacy for sector support and increased early childhood education and care access across the Kimberley, we intend to provide regular up to date snapshots of the ‘state of the sector’.

We’ve revisited our 2022 report to provide updated data from 2024. The 2022 report was used as an important advocacy piece for the state commitment of $1mil providing tailored support to the Kimberley, Gascoyne, Goldfields-Esperance, Midwest and Pilbara regions (Funding support for Early Childhood Education and Care in Regional Australia). The 2024 report shows that there has been a direct positive impact on operating places and training enrolments as a result of this targeted support.

Still, poor access to care remains a critical social an economic challenge across the region.

 Childcare in the Kimberley – 2022

The Kimberley region is experiencing an acute crisis in the availability of Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) and Outside School Hours Care (OSHC).

This crisis is a serious economic concern for the region as ECEC and OSHC are basic enablers of economic activity. Without it, workers can find it challenging or impossible to take on the amount of work they desire, exacerbating labour shortages in all other areas of the regional economy.

The Kimberley Development Commission (KDC) has undertaken a body of research to illustrate the sector’s situation and highlight local solutions being implemented to reduce the impact of limited ECEC and OSHC on communities.

This report is available to help promoting advocacy on the issue, support grant and funds applications and to empower constructive discussion to solve the crisis.

For more information regarding the report, receive the Webinar or if you would like to plan a presentation, please contact Michele Pucci, [email protected] or 9148 2100.

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