2024 Childcare in the Kimberley report
Home Access to childcare continues to present economic barrier in the region The Kimberley region is experiencing an acute crisis
Our role is to promote the economic and social development of this magnificent region of Australia while making the Kimberley a great place to do business, build a career, raise a family and invest into the future.
The Kimberley is a vast and pristine area that is an unforgettable adventure to explore and take in the natural beauty.
The Kimberley region has an increasingly diverse regional economy, with opportunities in many industries.
Ensuring the transparency and accountability for the Kimberley Development Commission.
The Kimberley has a range of strategic opportunities and high value investments that drive business activity.
Grant opportunities are available in the Kimberley to deliver benefits to regional Western Australia.
Our Local Content Advisor will help develop, promote and maximise opportunities in the regions.
Home Access to childcare continues to present economic barrier in the region The Kimberley region is experiencing an acute crisis
Stay informed with all of the latest news, events, grants and projects from the Kimberley Development Commission. Don’t hesitate to call us with any queries or comments you may have.