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Kimberley Residential Facilities for Youth At-Risk

Applications for Kimberley Residential Facilities for Youth At-Risk –  Business Cases Development are now closed

In 2023, the State Government made $500,000 available for local solutions that explore residential facilities for youth at-risk in the Kimberley Region as part of the Kimberley Youth and Community Justice Response.

A public EOI process was undertaken to identify projects to be awarded funding for the development of business cases and operational plans for residential facilities for youth at-risk across the Kimberley.

MG Corporation (Kununurra) and Emama Nguda Aboriginal Corporation (Derby) were successful in receiving funding to develop business cases.

MG Corporation developed a robust business case including proposed concept design and operational costs for a facility in Kununurra.

Emama Nguda Aborignal Corporation developed a series of operational policies and procedures that culminated in the repurposing of the Kabayji Borroo temporary disaster accommodation utilised during the Fitzroy floods into a  Boarding Hostel for Aboriginal Students. The Educational Hostel had its first intake in Term 1 2024, with the goals of supporting Aboriginal young people to achieve their education goals, including their year 12 certificate.

The following documents will assist with your application.

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