The redevelopment of Cable Beach Foreshore could further enhance the reputation of one of Broome’s high-quality natural assets as a global drawcard. The $36.5 million project explores many open design components including a new promenade, an amphitheatre upgrade, and activation spaces. Other features include the renovation of the Broome Surf Lifesaving Club, upgrade of the Cable Beach car park, and the provision of new access options to the beach.
The Broome Council developed and endorsed a Master Plan for the redevelopment of the Cable Beach Foreshore. A masterplan was completed in 2017 and a business case was developed in May 2020.
The Cable Beach Foreshore Masterplan provides a long-term vision for the Cable Beach Foreshore area. Improvements set out in the masterplan include reconfiguring the car park to create a new beach park; creation of a new entry plaza and an upgraded entry with public art, entry statement, garden bed and tree planting; increased ocean views from the site and universal access across the foreshore area. An additional component of the project is the construction of a seawall to protect environmentally and culturally sensitive areas.
The Shire Council has committed $867,815 towards the detailed design phase of the project. Josh Byrne & Associates was selected as the preferred contractor and has recently released the first concept designs. The design includes an enlarged amphitheatre, a water play area, more space for market stalls and other hospitality businesses, viewing platforms, shaded space for pedestrians and cyclists. Community meetings continue around the planned development – please visit the Broome Shire website for more details.
The redevelopment of Cable Beach foreshore has been on the agenda for many years and there has been extensive consultation with Nyamba Buru Yawuru, major local stakeholders and the community throughout the process of compiling a masterplan and business case.
Useful links and documents:
Cable Beach Foreshore Masterplan(PDF, 5MB)
Cable Beach Foreshore Business Case(PDF, 5MB)
Business Case Stylised Summary(PDF, 4MB)
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