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Broome Boating Facility

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The development of a new boating facility in Broome has been a long-held priority consideration for the town’s community, and the Department of Transport is proposing to construct a safe and accessible boating facility at the existing boat ramp site at Entrance Point.

The proposed development of a new boating facility at Entrance Point will address critical safety and access difficulties associated with boat launching and retrieval, and passenger transfer between vessels and the shore. Large tides, strong currents, wind and waves can at times create hazardous conditions at the existing exposed beaches and boat ramps where conditions can change very quickly.

The proposal includes construction of a boat ramp, two finger jetties, two groynes, an offshore breakwater and associated terrestrial public amenity infrastructure.

The proposal footprint is 5.5 hectares, located within a registered Aboriginal site and adjacent to dinosaur footprints. The proposal footprint is surrounded on all sides by the Yawuru Nagulagun / Roebuck Bay Marine Park.

Recent community consultations showed an overwhelming level of support for the project, with 74 per cent of responses either supportive or highly supportive. The outcome of the community consultation will assist to further refine the concept design by:

  • Ensuring a compact development footprint whilst retaining the required number of ramp lanes and parking bays
  • Avoiding impacts to dinosaur trackway sites
  • Reduction in the size of the offshore breakwater as an outcome of design checks
  • More landscaping included in parking areas
  • Beach access provided including a universal beach access site
  • Impacts to existing rock headlands avoided
  • Creation of public areas and facilities which are not currently available
  • Opportunities to include artwork and interpretation in the facility and design

A recently developed business case for the proposed boating facility at Entrance Point in Broome has been submitted to government for funding consideration. Work is continuing around the necessary approvals and opportunities for interpretation, landscaping and artwork on the site.

Visit the website for more information.

You can find out more in Broome boating facility and concept Masterplan and Community survey detailed report 2020

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