The Regional Economic Development Grants (RED Grants) program is a State Government initiative investing $55.85 million over ten years (2018-19 to 2027-28) to stimulate economic growth and development in regional Western Australia. This initiative demonstrates the State Government’s commitment to investing in locally-driven projects that support efforts to create long-term economic growth and stimulate job creation. Delivered locally by the State’s nine Regional Development Commissions, each grant of up to $250,000 is available for individual projects that contribute to job sustenance or creation, industry expansion or diversification, skill or capability development, business productivity enhancement, and new investment attraction in the regions.
So far, more than $36 million has been allocated across 355 approved projects throughout the nine regions, demonstrating the program’s substantial impact on local economies.
The grants aim to boost investment in local regional projects that drive population and economic growth initiatives, innovation pilots, and are community-driven. Specific focus areas include:
The RED Grants for the Kimberley are facilitated by the Kimberley Development Commission with support from the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD). For more information regarding RED Grants in the Kimberley, please contact the Commission and our Grant Officer, Celeste Hunter via email at [email protected] or phone 0439 488 432.
The following documents will assist with your application:
Applications are assessed on a competitive basis, focusing on alignment with the Kimberley Development Commission’s regional priorities and the potential for economic diversification and employment growth. Assessing grants is a comprehensive process, and it is likely to take up to six months before we announce the new funding recipients. We appreciate your patience during this time. Applicants will be contacted as soon as the decision-making process has concluded.
Organisation/Recipient | Grant Amount | Brief Project Description | wdt_ID | wdt_created_by | wdt_created_at | wdt_last_edited_by | wdt_last_edited_at |
Ord River District Cooperative (Kununurra) | $220,000 | This project will construct and operate a cotton classing facility on the ORDCO operating site providing this service locally to growers rather than needing to send product interstate. | 7 | cloudcarteldev | 04/09/2024 03:04 AM | KDC | 11/10/2024 05:52 AM |
Nyamba Buru Yawuru | $150,000 | Funding to develop industry based Aboriginal inclusion training packages and provide support to support employers in the Rubibi Broome area to build their cultural awareness, understanding and safety, in order to increase recruitment and retention of Aboriginal people. | 9 | cloudcarteldev | 04/09/2024 03:13 AM | cloudcarteldev | 04/09/2024 03:13 AM |
Yawuru Jarndu Aboriginal Corporation | $154,000 | Eight emerging Kimberley labels will be engaged in a 12 month cycle to develop their brand and collections to a stage of retail to generate income that sustains their business, within a supportive mentorship structure. | 8 | cloudcarteldev | 04/09/2024 03:04 AM | cloudcarteldev | 04/09/2024 03:13 AM |
Kullarri Regional Communities Aboriginal Corporation | $170,832 | Kullarri Kitchen intends to operate mobile food vans at Beagle Bay, Bidyadanga and Town Beach in Broome. The food vans will employ local staff and support new staff to develop on-the-job skills. The food vans will showcase local food products. | 10 | cloudcarteldev | 04/09/2024 03:13 AM | KDC | 11/10/2024 05:51 AM |
Holdage Pty Ltd | $130,000 | Broome Weddings & Events kitchen and coolroom facility expansion to cater to larger events, and adding an all-weather section to the venue to promote year-round events tourism. | 11 | cloudcarteldev | 04/09/2024 03:14 AM | KDC | 11/10/2024 05:51 AM |
Warlayirti Artists Aboriginal Corporation | $130,000 | Development of enriching tourism product through the Kutjungka region that spotlights South East Kimberley’s unique cultural and natural treasures while benefiting local Aboriginal communities. | 12 | cloudcarteldev | 04/09/2024 03:14 AM | KDC | 11/10/2024 05:50 AM |
Diverse Land Architecture Pty Ltd | $49,681 | Improving organisational capacity with additional IT hardware and relevant software subscriptions as well as training and drone equipment will enable basic surveys of remote communities as part of master planning. | 13 | cloudcarteldev | 04/09/2024 03:15 AM | KDC | 11/10/2024 05:49 AM |
Organisation/Recipient | Grant Amount | Brief Project Description |
wdt_ID | wdt_created_by | wdt_created_at | wdt_last_edited_by | wdt_last_edited_at | Organisation | Amount | Project |
1 | cloudcarteldev | 22/04/2024 03:03 AM | cloudcarteldev | 23/04/2024 06:09 AM | Marine Biomedical Pty Ltd | $120, 000 | Developing the analytical capability for product testing on marine derived medical devices in Broom |
2 | cloudcarteldev | 23/04/2024 06:09 AM | cloudcarteldev | 23/04/2024 06:09 AM | Wawili Sound Solutions Pty Ltd | $32, 066 | Wawili Studios – Mini film lot in Broome |
3 | cloudcarteldev | 23/04/2024 06:26 AM | cloudcarteldev | 23/04/2024 06:26 AM | Goolarri Media Enterprises Pty Ltd | $40, 000 | CinefestOZ Broome |
4 | cloudcarteldev | 23/04/2024 06:27 AM | cloudcarteldev | 23/04/2024 06:27 AM | Yawaru Jarndu Aboriginal Corporation | $140, 000 | SKUTTA – Kimberley fashion industry development program |
5 | cloudcarteldev | 23/04/2024 06:27 AM | cloudcarteldev | 23/04/2024 06:27 AM | Ewin Early Learning Centre | $130, 000 | Building a sustainable local workforce |
6 | cloudcarteldev | 23/04/2024 06:27 AM | cloudcarteldev | 23/04/2024 06:27 AM | One Tree Community Services Inc | $130, 000 | Workplace mentor program for early childhood career pathways |
Organisation | Amount | Project |
Round 5: Opened 22 June 2022 and closed 24 August 2022. The RED Grants attracted 28 applications seeking $4,501,619 in funding. The following projects were successful:
wdt_ID | Organisation | Amount | Project |
1 | Ord River Distillery Pty Ltd T/as Hoochery Distillery | $200,000 | Carbonating the Kimberley |
2 | Kimberley Arts Network | $75,000 | KAN Shed Refurbishment |
3 | Mamabulanjin Aboriginal Corporation | $82,473 | Increasing Productivity & Diversification of Australian Native Fruit Farm |
4 | Walaja Raw Bush Honey | $90, 000 | Walaja Bush Honey Purpose Built Facility and Employee Support |
5 | Generators and Off Grid Energy | $150, 000 | Establishment of a renewable energy capability in the East Kimberley |
Organisation | Amount | Project |
Round 4: Opened 27 August 2021 and closed 21 October 2021. The RED Grants attracted 29 applications seeking $5,090,713 in funding. The following projects were successful:
wdt_ID | Organisation | Amount | Project |
1 | Marine Biomedical Pty Ltd | $200,000 | To enable a pilot Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) laboratory facility in Broome to manufacture PearlBone. |
2 | East Kimberley Chamber of Commerce and Industry | $75,000 | Addressing labour shortage issues in the East Kimberley region. |
3 | Mowanjum Aboriginal Corporation | $60,000 | Expanding Mowanjum’s Pivot Capability to accommodate more Wagyu breeders |
4 | Lakeside Minerals Livestock Pty Ltd | $150,000 | Establishment of Lakeside Minerals Livestock – supplements for Kimberley pastoralists. |
5 | Frilled Enterprises Pty Ltd | $33,000 | Traffic Management Certification |
6 | Frillnecks Enterprises Pty Ltd | $170,000 | Little BIlbies Expansion Project |
7 | MGC Building and Maintenance Pty Ltd | $85,000 | Assistance in Purchasing Capital Equipment |
Organisation | Amount | Project |
Round 3: Opened 12 May 2020 and closed 7 July 2020. The RED Grants attracted 38 applications seeking $2,775,391 in funding. The following projects were successful:
wdt_ID | Organisation | Amount | Project |
1 | Waste Not Food Recycling | $97,039 | Black Soldier Fly Farming – to establish a pilot facility in Broome to feed organic waste to fly larvae and upcycle it into protein for feed and fertiliser products (previously announced) |
2 | Emama Nguda Aboriginal Corporation | $96,581 | Hydroponic fresh produce pilot – to purchase a hydroponic container to pilot fresh food production at the Derby Food Hub and improve living standards. |
3 | Yiyili Community Indigenous Corporation | $91,256 | Laarri Art Centre project – to relocate and refurbish the Halls Creek centre to a more prominent and functional location for artists and tourists and to encourage diversification of local indigenous art. |
4 | Karajarri Traditional Lands Association | $95,000 | Punturr Punturr Cultural Tourism Hub – to construct public ablutions with disabled access at Punturr Punturr (old Port Smith Bird Park), as part of the Karajarri Cultural Tourism Hub transformation. |
5 | Waringarri Arts Aboriginal Corporation | $90,000 | Kimberley Aboriginal Art – to develop the skills and capabilities of Aboriginal artists from four Kimberley art centres to develop new products, designs and markets. |
6 | R.J. Agricultural Services | $88,800 | Unlocking the value chain – to pilot plantago production and value add processing into psyllium husk for the health food industry in the Ord Valley. |
7 | Enterprise Partnerships | $88,625 | Piriwa Op Shop and Enterprise Hub – to establish a community hub to develop entrepreneurial capabilities, confidence and work readiness to activate the local Balgo economy. |
8 | Shire of Halls Creek | $20,650 | Halls Creek Indigenous Skills and Capabilities Development Program – to implement a driver training simulator to assist local job seekers to gain skills and capabilities to secure long-term employment. |
Organisation | Amount | Project |
Round 2: Opened 11 July 2019 and closed 13 September 2019. The RED Grants attracted 46 applications seeking $6,370,234 in funding. The following projects were successful:
wdt_ID | Applicant | Project | Funding ($) |
1 | Shire of Halls Creek | Indigenous Civil Training Group | $175,000 |
2 | Kullarri Regional Communities Indigenous Corporation (KRCIC) | KRCIC Roadworks Maintenance & Traffic Management | $90,000 |
3 | Woolah Aboriginal Corporation | Doon Doon Caravan Park and Campground Entry, Signage and Amenity | $45,000 |
4 | Goolarri Media Enterprises | Kimberley Girl 2020 | $81,000 |
5 | McKeno Corporation Pty Ltd | McKeno Tyrepave | $145,000 |
6 | Magabala Books Aboriginal Corporation | Indigenous Publishing Cadetship | $78,664 |
7 | Lombadina Aboriginal Corporation | Lombadina Tourism Amenities Upgrade | $194,000 |
8 | Yeeda Pastoral Company Pty Ltd | Colourstone public access truck wash and weighbridge | $95,000 |
Applicant | Project | Funding ($) |
Round 1: Opened 14 September 2018 and closed 2 November 2018. The RED Grants attracted 48 applications seeking $6,978,945 in funding. The following projects were successful:
wdt_ID | Applicant | Project | Funding ($) |
1 | Kununurra Neighbourhood House Inc | Kununurra Neighbourhood House New Facility – Construction Stage 1 | $180,000 |
2 | Mamabulanjin Aboriginal Corporation | Kakadu Plum Knowledge Centre | $100,000 |
3 | Shire of Broome | Short Street Transit Hub | $100,000 |
4 | Lake Kununurra Barramundi Restocking Group | Lake Kununurra Barramundi Restocking Project | $84,521 |
5 | Shire of Broome | Chinatown Discovery Festival | $50,000 |
6 | Yawoorrong Miriuwung Gajerrong Yirrgeb Noong Dawang Aboriginal Corporation | Developing a Robust Commercial Vision for East Kimberley Industrial Hemp | $47,000 |
7 | Imintji Aboriginal Corporation | Imintji Campground Facilities | $32,592 |
8 | Shire of Halls Creek | Facilities Infrastructure Upgrades for Social and Economic Development – Phase 3 | $26,120 |
9 | Shinju Matsuri Inc | Shinju Matsuri 2019 | $20,000 |
10 | Baulu-Wah Aboriginal Corporation | Violet Valley Campground signage, impression and Promotion | $15,713 |
Applicant | Project | Funding ($) |
Successful applicants of the RED Grants must acquit the grant in accordance with the Grant agreement.
For further information on the acquittal process, discuss business eligibility or for any other questions regarding the RED Grants, please contact Yvette Parker, Grant and Projects Officer on 9194 3000 or Email [email protected]
The Kimberley boasts many progressive, vibrant and promising industries with large potential for future growth.
Ensuring the transparency and accountability for the Kimberley Development Commission.
The Kimberley is a complex landscape that represents one sixth of Western Australia’s land mass; equivalent to twice the size of Victoria.
Our Local Content Advisor will help develop, promote and maximise opportunities in the regions.
Stay informed with all of the latest news, events, grants and projects from the Kimberley Development Commission. Don’t hesitate to call us with any queries or comments you may have.